Green Lake Chapter PORK BBQ

11:00 AM TO 4:00 PM


• Green Lake Area Chamber of Commerce 920-294-3231
• Or call Aaron Anderson at 414-531-0607,
• Or call Joyce Anderson at 414-531-4207,
and we’ll get your tickets in the mail.

Winnebago Reef Project By WFT

We currently have a our largest project ever underway on lake Winnebago. Twelve deepwater reefs are planned with over 4 million pounds of rock being placed by barge on hard bottom areas. The reefs will provide habitat for Walleyes, other gamefish and forage for generations to come. Unfortunately we have had to move equipment to other locations to be able to finish the project shortly.

Please help us with the cost of this project as it is far above what what projected.

Thank You for your help!

Click Here to help

WFT Project History

Fox River Projects
Started Fox River (Berlin) Chapter 1992
Eureka Dam Rapids Project Completed
1993 $124,288.
Badger Mining Marsh Dredge Bank Lowered
1994. $17,828.
Isaac Walton Marsh Dredge Bank Lowered
1999. $12,343.
Barbolas Marsh – Installed two 6’ culverts and water control structure to facilitate low water flooding of marsh. 1999. $19,551.
Hart & Wiess Marshes – cut banks and marsh roads to allow greater water flow across marsh 1999. $11,135.
Installed an 8’x 35’ culvert at the Berlin Dam to start the Berlin Marshes project. 1999. $12,708.61.
Log diverter installed above Eureka Dam fish way. 1999. $18,733.
Badger Mining Company Marsh river bank lowered and riprapped to facilitate water flow. 1999. $7,328.
Removed the White River Dam, Riprapped both banks and constructed two wing dams. $3,631.2003
Rocked river bank at Clarence Hopp property. $3,520 2004
Repaired work areas washed out by 2003 Spring high water.
Installed three 4’culverts under Lock Road at the Princeton Dam to flood blocked marsh. 2005. $11,448.77.
Berlin Marsh Complex – Installed 12 36” or 48”culverts on Kujawa ($7,714.), Treder ($4,972.) Hoppa ($12,390), and two 48”culverts on Tomah ($3,607.) Marshes to facilitate water flow. 2001-2005
Installed 2 culverts at the Fox River end of the Berlin Ditch to increase water flow in ditch.
Installed culverts on Reinsbach property to facilitate water flow in marsh.
Badger Mining Marsh, removed beaver dam. 2007. $805.75.
Installed 5’ culvert at Huck’s Marsh to increase water flow along bank spawning area, 2008. $6,314.30.
Stabilize dredge bank at Huck’s Marsh with willow logs & native vegetation, 2008. $3,475.
Funded Walleye Telemetry Study by DNR, 2009, $2,521
Replaced rotted 36” culvert with 72” culvert to facilitate water flow on west side of Hopp’s Rd. 2012. $3,693.36.
Install 9 36inch culverts under Hopp’s Road, 2012. $15,908.28.
Funded Walleye Telemetry Study. 2012. $4,000
Purchased 11 acre marsh below Lock Road at the Princeton Dam. 2012. $13,000.
Participated in project planning to build fishway around Princeton Dam. $10,000 budgeted.
Mow Hopp’s Mash, 2013 &14, $400.00

Wolf River Projects
Started Wolf River (New London) Chapter 1992
Constructed bridge over bayou on Nordell Young property. 1994. $9,000.
Mosquito Hill- Cut down river bank on outlet and rip-rap bank. 1995. $11,092.50
Funded Walleye Watch using retired wardens during spring spawning run. 1997-99. $4,110.
Rassmussen’s Canal, New London, Excavated canal to aid water flow during spawning run. 1999. $13,154.
Funded DNR Spring Walleye tagging program, 1999. $4,700.
Larson Inlet – Removed fallen trees & brush that blocked water flow at marsh outlet. 2000. $3,788.68.
Kalwictz Marsh – cut down bank to improve water flow. 2000. $4,197.
Funded Wolf River Marsh Posting meeting of marsh owners. 2002, $1,230
Wolfrath’s Marsh – cut down river bank to improve water flow. 2002. $4,172.
Mowed Bernagger’s Marsh to remove woody vegetation. 2003. $1,019.
Opened up outlet of Fleese’s Marsh, 2003. $2,165.
Opened up marsh inlet at LaSage Marsh, 2004
Colic Slough – opened up inlet for water flow. 2005. $6,359.
Bernegger’s Marsh – Installed water level control structure. 2006. $3,500.
Contracted Omni & Associates to conduct water flow study of Wolf River at Templeton’s Bayou, 2006. $1,499.
Lee Volz Property – made 45’ cut in river bank to increase water flow into Mud Lake Marsh. 2007. $2,842.
Larson’s Marsh – made 65’ cut in the bank on inlet of marsh to increase spawning water flow, 2007. $10,940.68.
Templeton’s Bayou – Removed one 48” culvert and installed two 60” & two 96” oval culverts to provide 6 times the water flow in the marsh, 2008. $24,337.87.
Krake’s Marsh – removed an 18” perched culvert and installed three 36” oval culverts in marsh road. 2008. $4,354.91.
Steven Jordan Road – Removed 10” culvert and installed three 36” oval culverts to increase water flow on Embarrass River Marsh, 2008. $3,560.71.
John Povlich Road – Installed three 36” oval culverts under road to increase water flow. 2009. $3,787.85.
Mosquito Hill Bank Cut- Remove old rip-rap, lower river bank and armor bank with Geoweb and native vegetation, 2009. $2,246.73.
Mukwa Marsh- Cut down river bank at outlet of marsh, 2011. $7,409.42.
Mukwa Marsh- Funded second stage of river bank modification by DNR, 2012. $2,000
Krake’s Marsh- removed an 18” perched culvert and installed three 36” oval culverts in marsh road, 2012. $5,185.92.
Weiland Marsh – Installed three 36” and three 24” culverts under marsh road. 2012. $6,335.79
Installed three additional 36” culverts, 2014. $4,776.99.
Contribute to the purchase of box culverts with Waupaca Co. for Co. Hy. X to replace 4 perched 6’ culverts, 2014. $10,000.

Lake Winnebago
Became a participant in the DNR Walleye Management Planning Committee in 1995
Ran a Sauger Creel Census for 8 weeks on Lake in 1996 &1997. $7,135
Purchase 2 sled saws for Winnebago Reef construction, $2,242. 2005
Built 19 rock habitat reefs in 1997, $17.881
Built 42 rock habitat reefs in 2000, $31,174.35
Built 19 rock habitat reefs in 2001, $29,277.44
Built 13 1,000’ rock sauger spawning structures on NE corner of lake. 2000 – 2005. $47,265.60
Built 21 rock habitat reefs in 2005. $25,458
2001 Started 5 year Sauger Study with DNR @ Oshkosh (2001 – 2005) using a portable hatchery to hatch sauger eggs and stock Lake Winnebago with sauger fry. $13,844.73
Continued sauger fry introduction 2006-2010, $11,947
Released 190,000 sauger fry in2001
Released 2,000 extended growth fin clipped sauger in 2002. $5,000
Released 600,000 sauger fry in 2003
Released 3,000,000 sauger fry. 2004. $554
Released 3,000,000 sauger fry. 2005. $5,245
Released 1,032,000 sauger fry. 2006. $3,178
Released 1,577,000 sauger fry. 2007. $3,040
Released 1,256,000 sauger fry. 2008. $1,881
Released. 1,337,294 sauger fry.2009. $2,017
Released. 2,325,738 sauger fry, 2010. $2,591
Released. 2011. $79
Total sauger fry released 14,318,032
Assisted in the Lake Winnebago Economic Value Study with numerous other organizations. $9,999. 2005
Funded 2 year Winnebago Female Walleye Reproductive Age Study by Ryan Koenigs, 2010, $13,500
Fund walleye egg mortality study by Dr. Fred Benkowski at UW Milwaukee, 2011, $2,500

Started Indianhead (Rice Lake) Chapter, 2000
Purchased 18’ Lowe John Boat, Mercury motor and trailer for hatchery operation. 2002 $11,382.75
Constructed walleye spawning structure in Lake Montanis. 2003, $9,548.09
Started operation of three “Refrigerator” portable hatcheries, 2003
Purchase “Rainbow” enclosed trailer, $5,040. 2005
Stocked walleye in Bear Lake, $3000.00. 2008
Built a rock habitat reef with Walleyes For Chetek in Prairie Lake
Walleye fingerling rearing in private pond with student assistance, $1,938
Removed beaver Dam on Slim Creek to eliminate barrier to walleye stocking
Stock walleye in Big Chetak Lake, 2012, $2,070.00
Red Cedar Lake Fish Sticks, 2013. $751
Paid DNR to OTC mark walleye fry from WFT hatchery for Silver Lake, 2004, $3,000
Built first new generation Walleye Wagon portable hatchery for Silver Lake 2010
Operated Walleye Wagons on the following lakes; Long Lake, Silver Lake, Lake Chatek, Red Cedar and Prairie Lake
Installed trees in Silver Lake as part of the Fish Sticks Program in 2012, 2013 and 2015, $4,614.94

Started the Green Bay Chapter, 1992
Built walleye spawning reef in Green Bay east of the mouth of Fox River. 1999. $22,438
Added rock for spawning on Mc Donald’s reef. 2000. $10,373
Funded Walleye Watch on Fox River

Started East Shore (Brothertown) Chapter, 1995

Purchased Floy Tags for DNR to undertake walleye tagging program on Lake Wisconsin, 2012. $3,000

DNR Fisheries staff operated Walleye Wagon #1. 1993
Started the Sturgeon Bay Chapter, 2003.
Started operation of Sturgeon Bay Walleye Wagon, 2004 – 2007
Started the Lake Winnebago (Fond du Lac) Chapter 1991
Moved into new and present WFT Office. 2004
Stocked extended growth walleye in lake with Riverside hunting & Fishing Club.2005-2007 $4,000

Started the Green Lake Chapter, 1993
Enclosed & permanently sited Hatchery #7 at G. Lake Co. hatchery. 2002, $2,500
Repaired North cement wall of G. Lake Co. hatchery pond. 2000. $9,410
Started Walleye Wagon stocking 1995
Purchased pontoon boat, trailer and motor.
2000. $11,743.
Constructed a carp barrier on Co. A inlet
1995. $3,635.33.
Operated Walleye Wagon on lake for 17 years.
Purchased 4 Fyke nets, 2003. $2,556
Purchased 5 fyke nets, 2004
Installed water level control structure. $11,993
Fish sticks, 2015, $597.24
Began operation of Lake Puckaway Walleye Wagon 1993. Ended 2006

Started the Manitowoc Chapter, 1993
Stocked 2,000 extended growth walleye 2004 2008 & 2012, $4,800.00
Operated Walleye Wagon on lake 2 years.
Stocked 1,800 in lake after lake drained to repair dam, $3,600
Stock fall walleye, 2012 & 2014, $4,000

Built rock spawning structure in Lake Emily.
Supported UWSP Student Fisheries Society Wisconsin River fish survey with use of WFT John boat 2006-2011
Big Eau Pleine Reservoir – built a rock walleye spawning structure, 2015. $1,449.57.
Built rock habitat structure, 2010. $1,441,
Built rock walleye spawning structure, 2012
Pike Lake fish hatchery operated 2010, 2011 & 2012
Big Eau Pleine Reservoir operated hatchery 2013 & 14
Lake Du Bay hatchery operated 1 year, 2009

Rip rapped below dam and constructed rock walleye spawning area. 2005. $3,842.70.

Started the Milwaukee Chapter,2003.
Stocked 10,000 extended growth walleye in Milwaukee Harbor in 2000. $5,044, 2003, $5,000, 2004, $12,552.97, 2005, $17,500, 2006, $9,999, 2007, $10,000
Provided $15,000 “seed money” to build spawning reef in Milwaukee River (2006).
Funded and provided boats for 5 Milwaukee River Cleanup Days. $8,229.00
Provided $10,000 for stocking extended growth walleye in 2005 reared at the UW Milwaukee Water Research Laboratory

Funded construction of walleye spawning area below dam on Oconto River, 2011, $7,000

Started Fox Valley (Appleton) Chapter. 1995

Started Price County Chapter, 2014
Fish Sticks program, 2015, $706.00

Started Wisconsin Dells Chapter 1998
Lake Delton
Built walleye rearing pond. 1999, $12,000.
Provided funds for stocking walleye after Lake Delton Dam washed out. 2009. $7,500

Stocked Big Chetek Lake, 2011. $2,070
Built new generation Walleye Wagon for use on Red Cedar Lake. 2013

Started Shawano Lake Chapter 2011
Pickerel Creek- dredge creek at mouth of creek in Cecil where hatchery is operated, 2013, $2,500
Assisted DNR with Walleye Watch on Pickerel Creek during spawning run, 2011
Built a Walleye Wagon portable fish hatchery for operation in 2012, 13, 14 &15.
Scatter spread extended growth walleye from DNR around Shawano Lake. 2011 & 2013
Started Headwaters Basin Chapter, Manitowish Waters 2013
Fish Sticks, 2015. $868
Facilitated an agreement with Lac Du Flambeau Tribe, DNR, GLIFWC and Voight Intertribal Commission to forego walleye spearing & angler harvest for 5 consecutive years. 2015

Started Walworth Chapter 2012
With Dr. Dan Issermann at UWSP started a Family DNA connection study of walleye used for fry production in WFT Hatchery, 2013
Operated Walleye Wagon 2012, 13 &14.

Started Washington County Chapter, 1994
Stocked lake using Walleye Wagon 2 years
Increased area of rocky spawning area on Indian Point by adding 3” rock 2002, $2,460.91
Added rock to existing walleye spawning area, 2007, $3,212.19
Stocked lake using Walleye Wagon 12 years.
Stocked walleye, 2008, $1,500
Installed plastic fish habitat. $3.912. 2000 & 2001
Stocked extended growth walleye, 2007 & 2008, $5,000

Started the Lake Country (Okauchee Lake) Chapter, 2004.
Started Pewaukee Lake Chapter, 2013
Fish sticks, 2014, $493.00
Operated Walleye Wagon in 2014, 2015
Stocked 5,000 extended growth walleye in 2006, $6,000
Stocked 6,000 walleye in 2008, $8,500

Started New London Chapter. 1993

Started the Oshkosh Chapter 1997
Contributed to DNR construction of rock barrier in the lake. 2000, $10,081.60
Operated Walleye (Sauger) Wagon on lake for 10 years.

Now operating 9 Walleye Wagon portable fish hatcheries
These hatcheries have released approximately 145,000,000 walleye fry over the past 20 years.
Purchase 39 fyke nets for WFT netting of walleye to gather eggs for hatchery operation
Purchased 4 John Boats, motors and trailers for hatchery and project operation between 2002 & 2015. $51,145
Built hatchery #1, 1993, $19,922 Yahara R.
Built hatchery #2, 1994, $15,796 L. Puckaway
Built hatchery #3, 1994, $16,192 Big Cedar
Built hatchery #4, 1996, $15,275 Big Green
Built hatchery #5, 1997, $8,295 Wis. Dells
Built hatchery #6, 1998, $5,940
Built hatchery #7, 2003, $3,772.42
Rebuilt hatchery #3, 2006. $2,116
Rebuilt hatchery # 1, 2009, $2,853,07
Built hatchery # 8, 2010. $3,662.21
Rebuilt hatchery # 2, 2013. $3,145.02
Built hatchery # 9 2015


Started the Muskegon Chapter, 2000
Sonic tagged walleye in Saganaw Bay. 2000, $5,810

Started the Lake Gogebic Chapter, 2009
Installed a large continuous rock reef consisting of 1,800,000 pounds of rock in 2014 by barge. $45,050.00

Paid to have two walleye rearing ponds constructed at the hatchery, 2005, $32,555.55

WFT budgets $11,000 per year for rod & reel combinations and tackle boxes to be given away at chapter sponsored events.


Pontoon #1, 1995, $6,283
Pontoon #2, 1999, $11,035.95
John Boat #1, 2002, $12,991
John Boat #2, 2002, $13,738.95
John Boat #3, 2005, $13,473
John Boat #4, 2012 $12,659.90
John Boat #5, 2015, $13,884
$794.89. 1999
$887. 2003
(5) 2004 Green lake
(5) 2005. $5,802.50. Green Lake
(6) 2007. $3,939.53. Barron Co.
(8) 2009. $5,562, Green Lake
(4) 2009. 2,453, Multi Lake
(6) 2012 $5,311, Barron Co.
(4) 2015, $3,221, Multi Lake
(2) Husqvarna ice chain saws $1,000, 2003
(2) Sled saws, $2,284. 2005
SNOW BLOWER, $750, 2005
OFFICE COPIER, $3,334, 2012


Purchased a new electroshocking boat for Oshkosh DNR Fisheries staff in1994. $24,837
Purchased a new generator for DNR shock boat in 2007. $2,575
Purchased a Spine Saw used for ageing fish for Oshkosh DNR Fisheries staff. 1999. $4,183.73
Purchased new 75 hp. outboard motor for Oshkosh DNR work boat. $3,500, 1999
Purchased new motors for DNR shock boat. 2002. $7,150
Purchased a new Kahn custom built work boat for Barron Co. DNR Fisheries staff, 2008, $13,728.22
UWSP Fisheries student scholarships. 1995-97, $1500, 1998-99, $3,000, 2000-2015, $30,000
UWSP, purchased 18’ John boat, motor and trailer for use by Natural Resources students to use on projects, 2011, $11,698.90
Support publishing of walleye comprehensive research book, 2009, $1,000
Purchased walleye sonic tags for DNR Fox River movement study, 2009, $2,521.40
DNR, Lake Wisconsin, purchased 4,000 Floy Tags to tag walleyes due to DNR not having funds to undertake tagging program, 2012, $3,000
Walleyes For Tomorrow is a Federally Tax Exempt 501 (c) 3 and (c) 4 Corporation, and a Wisconsin Non-Stock Corporation.
Walleyes For Tomorrow is a totally volunteer organization and pays no salaries to any member or officer.
All expenditures for the above listed projects, initiatives, studies or assets were paid for by income derived from fundraising events, memberships, donations, memorials and grants.
Thank you for your support in helping with our goal of improving production of Walleye in Wisconsin.

Contact WFT at 920-579-0106 or [email protected]

Green Lake Fish Sticks

IMGA1942 (2)The GL Chapter volunteers, with the help of Jeff Washkovick of R&R Wash Materials of Ripon who donated his Saturday and a CAT mini excavator with various mini excavator attachments, assisted in the placement of our first “Fish Sticks” project. The dozen or so volunteers dropped several large live oaks from the shore of the area known as the “Winnebago Trail” on the Green Lake Conference Center grounds, this is one of the several properties purchased by the Green Lake Sanitary district as conservatory set-back properties.

Whew what a learning curve, and a full day’s work. If it wasn’t for the outstanding generous donation by Jeff Washkovick of R&R Wash Materials we might still be out there working on this project. We placed about 400 to 500 pounds of rock at various locations along the length of trees, and enhanced the crown with other various live smaller trees. Four “Duckbill” anchors were driven straight down into the lakes shore-line to secure the trees to the shore. Hopefully this is just the first in many more placements, providing the 2015-2016 winter brings us good ice.

Here are a few updates for the Green Lake chapter of WFT.

Green Lake Beauty

The Green Lake chapter no longer has to OTC their fry prior to spring stocking. The DNR has found proof that the WFT GL hatchery has in-fact been bolstering the walleye fishery of Big Green Lake through its fry stocking efforts. This past October the WI DNR did capture 74 YOY (young of year) walleyes from Big Green of which 30% tested positive with our OTC markings!!!!!

But as explained by a DNR personal these fry are individuals like each of us and the fry’s tolerance level is different just like our tolerance levels differ between us all, therefore you could be the best chemist in the world but yet not all the fry will be marked, therefore a much higher number of these fry possibility could have come out of the Green Lake Hatchery. The most interesting aspect of this study is the growth rate; the GL YOY fry had to be sent back twice to be sure that they were YOY (Young Of Year) fry which in fact they were. The smallest was 6.22” and the largest was 8.86” in a five to five and a half month growth period!!

Incubating Eggs

Incubating Eggs

Which is outstanding growth rates! Due to the OTC process the GL chapter may have stumbled upon something that maybe looked at by the WI DNR, due to the OTC process the GL fry were released very late in the day in mid to late May. This fry release coincides with the movement of the microscopic organisms to the surface layers of the lake, just at the same time that the fry were released and are looking for a meal. This coupled with the low light period these released fry may not be preyed upon due to the low light as easily and the abundance of food, thus increasing their survival rates/growth rates.

The extended growth “Wisconsin Walleye Initiative” may get a hard look due to what was found on Big Green Lake with the late day fry stocking and the results. The cost of each extended growth “WI Walleye Initiative” fish is quite costly, if this late-in the day fry stocking proves to be more effective than the stocking of extended growth fish, that could be HUGE!!! It is far cheaper to release fry than extended growth fish, the WI DNR has always stocked fry/fish during a first shift basis. This may now change due to what has been uncovered on Green Lake with the late day fry stocking.

Our stocking numbers with the OTC process has been around the 4 million fry mark, now that we no longer have to OTC we can up our fry stocking levels to 5 to 6 million. That means we’ll target 7.5 to 8 million eggs in the hatchery, hopefully we end up with around that 6 million two day old fry to be released.

The Green Lake chapter fund raiser will be held on August 8, 2015 at Deacon Mills Park, Green Lake, WI. Please come and support an up and coming walleye fishery, where the next state record walleye is waiting for you!

WFT is planning for Green Lake

Fish sticks GLSD-GLCC shoreline 005The Green Lake chapter has been working on the “Fish Sticks” project for Green Lake since last winter, beginning with a snowmobile ride around the lake shore GPS marking over 100 potential sites. Next step was to identify those GPS locations to the property owners, and begin contacting those owners.

Upon this search we found a few parcels along the Green Lake Conference Center (GLCC), that have been purchased by the Green Lake Sanitary District (GLSD). Which was purchased for Conservancy property, one of which is known as the “Winnebago Trail”. A area that was known to be heavily used by the Winnebago Indians. This parcel #004-0946-00-000 is an good location for “Fish Sticks”, with a rather narrow littoral zone and 1500+ feet of shoreline.

We have secured permission and have the necessary permits to proceed with this project. We have also been contacted by Lisa Reas of LJ Reas Environmental Consulting Corp who has been contracted by the GLSD for a few projects. One of which is to clear several dead-falls, standing live and dead trees – due to the number of dead-falls this area is a fire hazard and must be cleared. Lisa has the necessary permits to clear a large number of trees on this property, so Lisa was put in contact with WFT GL to see if we can join our resources.

The other part of LJ Reas project is to place tree drops in the west end of Norwegian close to shore. This is in effort to create a wave buffer to protect this areas heavy shoreline erosion, this area has a very long littoral zone and is not very conducive for the “Fish Sticks” program. Since both projects require trees/wood, and we are going to be working in the same area it only make sense to join our efforts. Lisa has contacted a logger who has given us a bid to remove the necessary trees and will drop as many as WFT would need for one or two “Fish Sticks” placement along the shoreline of the “Winnebago Trail”.

The logger can place them where ever we like them. We would just have to drag them off the shore onto the ice, and anchor them for the first “Fish Sticks” on Green Lake. This will be a good starting location, once there in we can use this “Fish Sticks” placement to promote more “Fish Sticks” placements around the lake. Potential property owners can boat over and see what the “Fish Sticks” actually look like and how their anchored in place, hopefully this will help promote more interested in the “Fish Sticks” program.

Hopefully this winter brings safe ice and we can continue this project and hopefully have the first placement of “Fish Sticks” on Green Lake.

Comments sought on Lake Michigan fisheries management plan update

MADISON — The state is revising its long-term fisheries management plan for Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan waters and invites citizens to provide input during a second round of public review. Lake Michigan has seen drastic ecological changes in recent years and the new plan will guide fisheries management through the next 10 years.

“We listened to what the public said during an initial public input session and incorporated some of those ideas along with our own thoughts in this draft 10-year plan,” said Brad Eggold, Lake Michigan fisheries supervisor for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. “Now, it’s time to see whether we are on track with the expectations and desires of the public. We’re planning a second round of meetings in early August to give stakeholders additional opportunities for input.”

The meetings are set for:
Monday, Aug. 4, from 6 to 8 p.m., Wisconsin DNR Green Bay Service Center, 2984 Shawano Avenue, Green Bay, WI, 54313
Tuesday, Aug. 5, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Lakeshore Technical College, 1290 North Avenue, Cleveland, WI, 53015
Thursday, Aug. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at UW–Milwaukee GLRF-SFS, 600 E. Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, 53204
Thursday, Aug. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Wisconsin DNR Peshtigo Service Center, 101 N. Ogden Road, Peshtigo, WI, 54157

Wisconsin’s DNR manages Lake Michigan fisheries in partnership with other state, federal and tribal agencies and in consultation with the public, particularly sport and commercial fishers. The draft 2015-2024 Lake Michigan Integrated Fisheries Management Plan focuses on five areas or visions for the future:

• A balanced, healthy ecosystem. This vision focuses on protecting and maintaining habitat while minimizing the effects of invasive species.
• A multi-species sport fishery. This vision includes sustaining a salmon and trout species mix that supports sport harvests. Other elements include improvements to the statewide fish hatchery system that produces fish for Lake Michigan and enhanced near-shore fishing opportunities.
• A sustainable and viable commercial fishery. This aspect of the plan centers on maintaining the current number of commercial fishing licenses at 80 while adjusting harvest limits to sustain viable populations of key commercial species such as lake whitefish, yellow perch, round whitefish, rainbow smelt and bloater chubs over time.
• Application of science-based management principles. This vision recognizes the ongoing need for staff training, the ability to employ continually evolving tools and modeling technologies, inter-jurisdictional cooperation and the involvement of trained scientists as well as public stakeholders.

Effective internal and external communication. This vision focuses on maintaining a full and open exchange of information and ideas among the public, elected officials, fisheries managers and neighboring states.

“Over the last 10-year planning cycle, we have made good progress and accomplished much of what we set out to do in our previous plan,” Eggold said. “We’ve managed chinook salmon populations to fuel a decade of fantastic fishing. Supplies of trout and salmon for stocking have been enhanced following renovation of the Wild Rose State Fish Hatchery while sturgeon and musky stocking also has improved. In addition, we’ve removed some barriers to fish passage and constructed a natural fish passage on the Milwaukee River.”

However, over the last decade Lake Michigan has undergone major ecological changes and is less productive due to the arrival and proliferation of the exotic quagga mussel. These small freshwater mussels remove large quantities of plankton as they filter the water, short circuiting the food chain and ultimately leaving less for prey fish to eat while negatively impacting some important fish species such as yellow perch.

Beyond the difficulties caused by invasive species, an additional challenge is the need to maintain, update and operate the state’s fish production system, including renovating the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery in Sheboygan County, which produces all the steelhead rainbow trout stocked in Lake Michigan.

“Given the challenges and opportunities before us, input from anglers and others is critical in developing a plan that keeps Lake Michigan healthy and reflects the interests of sport and commercial anglers,” Eggold said.

People who are interested in commenting can find the draft plan and summary information on the DNR’s website,, by searching for “Lake Michigan Plan.” In addition to providing verbal comments at the public meetings, written comments can be sent to a special email address created for the plan: [email protected]. Written comments also can be mailed to: Brad Eggold, Department of Natural Resources, Great Lakes Water Institute, 600 E. Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, WI, 53204.
CONTACTS: Brad Eggold, Lake Michigan fisheries supervisor, [email protected], (414) 382-7921; Michael Donofrio fisheries supervisor, [email protected], Jennifer Sereno, communications, (608) 770-8084; [email protected]

Signs of Spring!

Mike Arrowood, WFT Chairman of The Board, called this morning wondering about the anticipated “ice out” date on Geneva Lake for planning of the hatcheries that WFT will be running this year.  I told him I expect the ice to break up in the next two weeks, but it’s just a guess.
1.  As soon as the ice is gone from the lake we immediately need to do a “night walleye scouting trip” to check for spawning activity or at least get a read on how close to spawning they are.  Water temperature is not the only factor for egg ripening, especially when we get to later April on Geneva.  Last year was colder than normal and we set our nets on April 20.
2.  Jim Pierce will be able to get the nets, boat, and other supplies from Fond du Lac when needed.  I will arrange for this to be done at least a week before ice out so we can go thru everything.  The boat engine was tuned up last fall, so it should run better.
3.  I need to get a list of persons and their availability to work at the hatchery during egg collection and processing.  PLEASE SEND ME YOUR NAME AND AVAILABILITY for late April/early May.  For example, indicate if you are able to work only weekends, only weekdays, or both. REMEMBER to update your membership if you plan to work. We always try to set nets on a Friday and collect and process Saturday and Sunday, but we may need to go out and collect fish during the week.
4.  I will keep you updated on what is happening and what needs to be done in the weeks ahead.
Brian H. Simon
WFT/WC Chapter Chairman

Pewaukee Chapter is finalizing the 1st Fish Sticks project in SE Wisconsin.

Tieing on the rocks and burlapThe Walleyes For Tomorrow – Pewaukee Chapter is finalizing the 1st Fish Sticks project in SE Wisconsin.

The group gathered just north of Walks Island at 7:00 a.m. to get tip-ups in and ready to start cutting tree’s. The first tree was cut on Walks Island at 9:00 am as anticipated. The initial tree was dragged into place in minutes. The next 4 trees were taken from the County launch where the trees were leaning over the parking lot and were in dire need of removal.

WFT Fish sticks project Pewaukee LakeAs you know they would probably fall during the 4th of July or a big fishing tournament. The next trees were dragged into position by mid morning. Kids were loading rocks into burlap sacks and taking turns pulling them out with the 4 wheelers and jet sleds. The rock filled burlap sacks were put into place draped over the tree limbs and stumps like a saddle over a horse. Hemp ropes and burlap sacks were used so they can degrade over the next few years, when the trees are waterlogged and will stay sunk toward the bottom of the lake. The crews also drilled holes through med sized stones and created a necklace of stones with stainless steel cables and clamps.

Fish sticks kids helpingThe whole structure extends about 125 feet from shore and will provide fantastic habitat for the next 10-20 years. The project was completed and one day. News reporters, WDNR fisheries biologist and the conservation warden was present. The Pewaukee Lake patrol was also involved and will mark the area with a hazard boui just as a precautionary measure. Pewaukee Lake uses slow no wake bouis within 150 feet from shore.

The temperature was below zero in the morning, rose to about 10 degrees and there was snow and wind blowing but the crew persevered until the project was done.

Tom Koepp
WFT Pewaukee Chapter chair