Category Archives: News

WFT is planning for Green Lake

Fish sticks GLSD-GLCC shoreline 005The Green Lake chapter has been working on the “Fish Sticks” project for Green Lake since last winter, beginning with a snowmobile ride around the lake shore GPS marking over 100 potential sites. Next step was to identify those GPS locations to the property owners, and begin contacting those owners.

Upon this search we found a few parcels along the Green Lake Conference Center (GLCC), that have been purchased by the Green Lake Sanitary District (GLSD). Which was purchased for Conservancy property, one of which is known as the “Winnebago Trail”. A area that was known to be heavily used by the Winnebago Indians. This parcel #004-0946-00-000 is an good location for “Fish Sticks”, with a rather narrow littoral zone and 1500+ feet of shoreline.

We have secured permission and have the necessary permits to proceed with this project. We have also been contacted by Lisa Reas of LJ Reas Environmental Consulting Corp who has been contracted by the GLSD for a few projects. One of which is to clear several dead-falls, standing live and dead trees – due to the number of dead-falls this area is a fire hazard and must be cleared. Lisa has the necessary permits to clear a large number of trees on this property, so Lisa was put in contact with WFT GL to see if we can join our resources.

The other part of LJ Reas project is to place tree drops in the west end of Norwegian close to shore. This is in effort to create a wave buffer to protect this areas heavy shoreline erosion, this area has a very long littoral zone and is not very conducive for the “Fish Sticks” program. Since both projects require trees/wood, and we are going to be working in the same area it only make sense to join our efforts. Lisa has contacted a logger who has given us a bid to remove the necessary trees and will drop as many as WFT would need for one or two “Fish Sticks” placement along the shoreline of the “Winnebago Trail”.

The logger can place them where ever we like them. We would just have to drag them off the shore onto the ice, and anchor them for the first “Fish Sticks” on Green Lake. This will be a good starting location, once there in we can use this “Fish Sticks” placement to promote more “Fish Sticks” placements around the lake. Potential property owners can boat over and see what the “Fish Sticks” actually look like and how their anchored in place, hopefully this will help promote more interested in the “Fish Sticks” program.

Hopefully this winter brings safe ice and we can continue this project and hopefully have the first placement of “Fish Sticks” on Green Lake.

Comments sought on Lake Michigan fisheries management plan update

MADISON — The state is revising its long-term fisheries management plan for Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan waters and invites citizens to provide input during a second round of public review. Lake Michigan has seen drastic ecological changes in recent years and the new plan will guide fisheries management through the next 10 years.

“We listened to what the public said during an initial public input session and incorporated some of those ideas along with our own thoughts in this draft 10-year plan,” said Brad Eggold, Lake Michigan fisheries supervisor for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. “Now, it’s time to see whether we are on track with the expectations and desires of the public. We’re planning a second round of meetings in early August to give stakeholders additional opportunities for input.”

The meetings are set for:
Monday, Aug. 4, from 6 to 8 p.m., Wisconsin DNR Green Bay Service Center, 2984 Shawano Avenue, Green Bay, WI, 54313
Tuesday, Aug. 5, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Lakeshore Technical College, 1290 North Avenue, Cleveland, WI, 53015
Thursday, Aug. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at UW–Milwaukee GLRF-SFS, 600 E. Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, WI, 53204
Thursday, Aug. 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Wisconsin DNR Peshtigo Service Center, 101 N. Ogden Road, Peshtigo, WI, 54157

Wisconsin’s DNR manages Lake Michigan fisheries in partnership with other state, federal and tribal agencies and in consultation with the public, particularly sport and commercial fishers. The draft 2015-2024 Lake Michigan Integrated Fisheries Management Plan focuses on five areas or visions for the future:

• A balanced, healthy ecosystem. This vision focuses on protecting and maintaining habitat while minimizing the effects of invasive species.
• A multi-species sport fishery. This vision includes sustaining a salmon and trout species mix that supports sport harvests. Other elements include improvements to the statewide fish hatchery system that produces fish for Lake Michigan and enhanced near-shore fishing opportunities.
• A sustainable and viable commercial fishery. This aspect of the plan centers on maintaining the current number of commercial fishing licenses at 80 while adjusting harvest limits to sustain viable populations of key commercial species such as lake whitefish, yellow perch, round whitefish, rainbow smelt and bloater chubs over time.
• Application of science-based management principles. This vision recognizes the ongoing need for staff training, the ability to employ continually evolving tools and modeling technologies, inter-jurisdictional cooperation and the involvement of trained scientists as well as public stakeholders.

Effective internal and external communication. This vision focuses on maintaining a full and open exchange of information and ideas among the public, elected officials, fisheries managers and neighboring states.

“Over the last 10-year planning cycle, we have made good progress and accomplished much of what we set out to do in our previous plan,” Eggold said. “We’ve managed chinook salmon populations to fuel a decade of fantastic fishing. Supplies of trout and salmon for stocking have been enhanced following renovation of the Wild Rose State Fish Hatchery while sturgeon and musky stocking also has improved. In addition, we’ve removed some barriers to fish passage and constructed a natural fish passage on the Milwaukee River.”

However, over the last decade Lake Michigan has undergone major ecological changes and is less productive due to the arrival and proliferation of the exotic quagga mussel. These small freshwater mussels remove large quantities of plankton as they filter the water, short circuiting the food chain and ultimately leaving less for prey fish to eat while negatively impacting some important fish species such as yellow perch.

Beyond the difficulties caused by invasive species, an additional challenge is the need to maintain, update and operate the state’s fish production system, including renovating the Kettle Moraine Springs State Fish Hatchery in Sheboygan County, which produces all the steelhead rainbow trout stocked in Lake Michigan.

“Given the challenges and opportunities before us, input from anglers and others is critical in developing a plan that keeps Lake Michigan healthy and reflects the interests of sport and commercial anglers,” Eggold said.

People who are interested in commenting can find the draft plan and summary information on the DNR’s website,, by searching for “Lake Michigan Plan.” In addition to providing verbal comments at the public meetings, written comments can be sent to a special email address created for the plan: [email protected]. Written comments also can be mailed to: Brad Eggold, Department of Natural Resources, Great Lakes Water Institute, 600 E. Greenfield Ave., Milwaukee, WI, 53204.
CONTACTS: Brad Eggold, Lake Michigan fisheries supervisor, [email protected], (414) 382-7921; Michael Donofrio fisheries supervisor, [email protected], Jennifer Sereno, communications, (608) 770-8084; [email protected]

Signs of Spring!

Mike Arrowood, WFT Chairman of The Board, called this morning wondering about the anticipated “ice out” date on Geneva Lake for planning of the hatcheries that WFT will be running this year.  I told him I expect the ice to break up in the next two weeks, but it’s just a guess.
1.  As soon as the ice is gone from the lake we immediately need to do a “night walleye scouting trip” to check for spawning activity or at least get a read on how close to spawning they are.  Water temperature is not the only factor for egg ripening, especially when we get to later April on Geneva.  Last year was colder than normal and we set our nets on April 20.
2.  Jim Pierce will be able to get the nets, boat, and other supplies from Fond du Lac when needed.  I will arrange for this to be done at least a week before ice out so we can go thru everything.  The boat engine was tuned up last fall, so it should run better.
3.  I need to get a list of persons and their availability to work at the hatchery during egg collection and processing.  PLEASE SEND ME YOUR NAME AND AVAILABILITY for late April/early May.  For example, indicate if you are able to work only weekends, only weekdays, or both. REMEMBER to update your membership if you plan to work. We always try to set nets on a Friday and collect and process Saturday and Sunday, but we may need to go out and collect fish during the week.
4.  I will keep you updated on what is happening and what needs to be done in the weeks ahead.
Brian H. Simon
WFT/WC Chapter Chairman

Pewaukee Chapter is finalizing the 1st Fish Sticks project in SE Wisconsin.

Tieing on the rocks and burlapThe Walleyes For Tomorrow – Pewaukee Chapter is finalizing the 1st Fish Sticks project in SE Wisconsin.

The group gathered just north of Walks Island at 7:00 a.m. to get tip-ups in and ready to start cutting tree’s. The first tree was cut on Walks Island at 9:00 am as anticipated. The initial tree was dragged into place in minutes. The next 4 trees were taken from the County launch where the trees were leaning over the parking lot and were in dire need of removal.

WFT Fish sticks project Pewaukee LakeAs you know they would probably fall during the 4th of July or a big fishing tournament. The next trees were dragged into position by mid morning. Kids were loading rocks into burlap sacks and taking turns pulling them out with the 4 wheelers and jet sleds. The rock filled burlap sacks were put into place draped over the tree limbs and stumps like a saddle over a horse. Hemp ropes and burlap sacks were used so they can degrade over the next few years, when the trees are waterlogged and will stay sunk toward the bottom of the lake. The crews also drilled holes through med sized stones and created a necklace of stones with stainless steel cables and clamps.

Fish sticks kids helpingThe whole structure extends about 125 feet from shore and will provide fantastic habitat for the next 10-20 years. The project was completed and one day. News reporters, WDNR fisheries biologist and the conservation warden was present. The Pewaukee Lake patrol was also involved and will mark the area with a hazard boui just as a precautionary measure. Pewaukee Lake uses slow no wake bouis within 150 feet from shore.

The temperature was below zero in the morning, rose to about 10 degrees and there was snow and wind blowing but the crew persevered until the project was done.

Tom Koepp
WFT Pewaukee Chapter chair

Pewaukee WFT Chapter Event

Vieth releaseThe Pewaukee Chapter of Walleyes for Tomorrow was developed to address that “lack of the young of the year” walleyes in the lake. Fortunately we do have some walleyes but they are all between 20” and 28” but they are far and few between. If we keep harvesting them we will have no “spawners” left in the lake.


With the walleye wagon operation we need these spawners to stay in the lake. So the Chapter started a catch and release program where if a member catches a legal walleye and releases it you fill out a fish ticket that will be entered into a drawing at the end of the ice fishing season. After spending countless hours out there in the brutal winter conditions, it’s tough to release a nice 22” walleye when you have a wood burner going and butter and salt in the shanty.

But these guys know how critical these fish are to the future of our fishery, so take a photo of you with the fish and the fish being release (see enclosed photos) and text it to the chapter chairman.

012414 DK 24 in release1st place prize will be an ice armor suit or a power auger and 2nd- 12th place will be a fish fry at a local establishment. 12 fish fry’s ($15.00 values) have already been donated by Mary’s 5’O clock club, Cruly’s Waterfront and Gina’s Sports dock, and 12 fish have been successfully released. So every person that let a potential spawner go (which will help our portable fish hatchery) has a fish fry coming and they don’t even have to filet anything, how cool is that?!!

And remember “a good game fish is too valuable to be caught only once” let them go, so the numbers can grow.

Completed WFT fish tickets 2014

30 Years Of Research Winds Down At Little Rock Lake In Northern Wisconsin

30 Years Of Research Winds Down At Little Rock Lake In Northern Wisconsin

Lake Gogebic wood_opt

Lake Gogebic Wood by WFT

A curtain is literally rising on Little Rock Lake, as a nearly 30-year research

When scientists from the University of Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources, and other agencies lowered a plastic curtain into a pristine hourglass-shaped lake in the Northern Highland American Legion State Forest in 1984, it drew national attention. The barrier blocked water and effectively split Little Rock Lake into two basins.

To simulate the acid rain that fell over parts of the United States, research boats sprayed acid into one of the basins. The other basin was largely left undisturbed as a natural monitor of the changing environment.

This week, the DNR announced that the long-term research project will come to an end on July 29, when the plastic curtain is removed. Researchers say they learned a lot over the last 30 years. The UW’s Tim Kratz says during the six years of acidification, some troubling things were found.

“The largemouth bass in the lake were unable to reproduce during the time of maximum acidification,” says Kratz. “There were large algal maps that occurred on the bottom of the lake, and the plankton community changed dramatically.”

Kratz says most of the effects confirmed what other researchers had found comparing different types of lakes. He says after the acid dumping stopped, Little Rock Lake eventually recovered chemically.

Along the way, the findings helped shape a Wisconsin acid rain law that reduced sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-burning power plants. The law later influenced the 1990 federal Clean Air Act amendments.

Scientists were also making other discoveries at the Vilas County site. The DNR’s Carl Watras says that a few years into the acidification, it became clear that mercury concentrations in small fish were going up. Most of the mercury was coming from the burning of coal. Watras and others found that as the lake became more acidic, a toxic form of the mercury accumulated more in fish species.

“By increasing the loading of sulfates into the system, we’re inadvertently fueling the methylmercury cycle,” says Watras. “When you couple those two together with the atmospheric deposition of acid rain and the atmospheric deposition of mercury through mercury rain, you get a double hit on the system.”

Watras says he hopes a Wisconsin mercury rule passed a few years ago will also succeed in better protecting fish and the people and critters that eat them.

Kratz says there’s at least one more project at Little Rock Lake that’s made a difference: in one basin, they removed trees that had fallen into shallow water and assessed how fish reacted. The results: the yellow perch population decreased, largemouth bass grew more slowly, and the diets of the fish shifted.

Kratz says the findings confirmed that wood in shallow water is often a great habitat, and that’s helped shape best practices for shoreline management.

Despite the beneficial findings from Little Rock Lake, Watras is concerned about one thing: lower water levels in northern lakes caused by decreased precipitation from climate change. Watras says Little Rock Lake’s acid and methylmercury levels have been going back up.

Peshtigo Flowage – Walleye Spawning Reef

Here are a bunch photos for the Peshtigo Flowage – Walleye Spawning Reef project

Lakeshore Woody Habitat in Review (Sawyer County)

Lakeshore Woody Habitat in Review

by Max Wolter

WDNR Fisheries Biologist

Sawyer County


Coarse woody habitat (CWH) in lakes is classified as trees, limbs, branches, roots, and wood fragments at least 4 inches in diameter that enter a lake by natural (beaver activity, toppling from ice, wind, or wave scouring) or human means (logging, intentional habitat improvement, flooding following dam construction, Guyette and Cole 1992, Christensen et al. 1996; Engel and Pederson 1998). CWH serves many functions within a lake ecosystem including erosion control, as a carbon source, and as a surface for algal growth which is an important food base for aquatic macroinvertebrates (Engel and Pederson 1998; Sass 2009). Presence of CWH has also been shown to prevent suspension of sediments, thereby improving water clarity (Sass 2009). CWH serves as important refuge, foraging, and spawning habitat for fish (Hanchin et al 2003, Lawson et al. 2011), aquatic invertebrates, turtles, birds, and other animals (Engel and Pederson 1998; Sass 2009).

The amount of CWH occurring naturally in lakes is related to characteristics of riparian forests and likelihood of toppling (Marburg et al. 2006). However, humans have also had a large impact on amounts of littoral CWH present in lakes through time. During the 1800’s the amount of CWH in lakes was increased beyond natural levels as a result of logging practices. But through time changes in the logging industry and forest composition along with increasing shoreline development have led to reductions in coarse woody habitat present in many northern Wisconsin lakes. CWH is often removed by shoreline residents to improve aesthetics or recreational opportunities (swimming and boating). Jennings et al. (2003) found a negative relationship between lakeshore development and the amount of CWH in northern Wisconsin lakes. Similarly, Christensen et al. (1996) found a negative correlation between density of cabins and woody habitat present in Wisconsin and Michigan lakes. While it is difficult to make precise determinations of natural densities of CWH in lakes it is believed that the value is likely on the scale of hundreds of logs per mile. The positive impacts of woody debris on fish communities have been well documented by researchers, making the loss of these habitats a critical concern. Fortunately, remediation of this habitat type is attainable on many waterbodies, particularly where private landowners and lake associations are willing to partner with county, state, and federal agencies. Benefits of these habitats to the fish communities (with particular emphasis on fisheries issues in northern Wisconsin) and notes on the placement, maintenance, and degradation of these woody structures are detailed in the following sections.

The Influence of Coarse woody Habitat on Fish Communities

Woody structure in lakes and ponds has been shown to be an important and preferred habitat for many fish species. Newbrey et al. (2005) observed 16 different species occupying coarse woody habitat in a Wisconsin lake. Woody structure likely has an increased importance in northern Wisconsin lakes where aquatic vegetation is often absent or limited.

CWH has been shown to be important for various life stages of many different species. Johnson et al. (1988) found that artificial structures simulating wood attracted 5-10% of bluegill present in ponds despite accounting for less than 1% of the area of the ponds. Black bass species (smallmouth and largemouth) often build spawning nests in proximity to CWH, particularly large logs (Hunt and Annett 2002; Lawson et al. 2011; Weis and Sass 2011). Research suggests that addition of supplemental CWH may improve reproduction of black bass in lakes where CWH is lacking or has been removed. Newly hatched smallmouth bass will often inhabit littoral wood, and declines in this habitat type have been linked to reduced abundance of young smallmouth (Brown and Bozek 2010). Yellow perch need submerged wood and vegetation on which to lay eggs (Hanchin et al 2003). Accordingly, Helmus and Sass (2008) and Sass et al. (2006b) found a decline in a yellow perch abundance following an artificial reduction in CWH.

Woody habitat can play an important role in predator prey relationships, particularly between largemouth bass and bluegill. Bluegill are attracted to woody debris as a refuge from predation and also because these habitats are often colonized by insects that feed on periphyton growing on the surface of wood. Presence of largemouth bass has been shown to alter the types of woody structure preferred by bluegill, which will select smaller interstices in the presence of this predation threat (Johnson et al. 1988). Largemouth bass are by nature a generalist species capable of shifting foraging mode to suit experienced habitats. Ahrenstorff et al. (2009) found largemouth bass had smaller home ranges, lower activity rates, and greater occupancy of the nearshore littoral zone (<2m deep) following an increase in littoral CWH. Additionally, bass in lakes with more CWH had higher consumption rates and a more general diet, indicative of a sit-and-wait foraging strategy (Sass et al 2006b). Both sets of authors suggest that reduced activity but increased consumption rates by largemouth bass in the presence of CWH could lead to faster growth rates in comparison to open habitats. Other studies of bass and bluegill interactions support this hypothesis (Schindler 2000, Sass 2006a). Sass et al. (2006a) found predation rates on prey fish were highest in the areas immediately adjacent to woody littoral habitat and decreased with increasing depth and distance from these areas. Predation rates within a refuge of nearshore woody habitat were also lower than on the edge of the refuge. Bevelhimer (1996) showed that smallmouth bass will select these types of structure even when water temperature is above optimal, suggesting that bass of both species will continue to use littoral woody habitat even through warm summer months.

Placement, Design, and Degradation of Woody Debris in Lakes

CWH decomposition rate increases with water temperature, pH, and the abundance of shredding invertebrates (Engel and Pederson 1998). While large pieces of CWH can have a residence time of several centuries (Guyette and Cole 1999), Christensen et al. (1996) estimated that it could take up to 200 years for developed lakes to naturally replenish woody debris that had been removed. These findings justify littoral wood additions, particularly additions of whole trees harvested from upland areas and placed on shorelines, as a means to restore these habitat types to levels at which they occurred naturally.

The design of woody habitat additions should be given some consideration to meet the goals of a restoration project. Johnson and Lynch (1992) evaluated the fish attraction capabilities of several types of structures including evergreen trees (upright and prone), brushpiles, and stakebeds. Evergreen trees provided as good or better fish attraction than the other two structures and were considered to be less costly to construct. Woody structures in this study were placed at four meter depth; littoral tree drops were not evaluated. In an evaluation of habitat structure by Bryant (1992), young and adult smallmouth and largemouth bass utilized both a uniformly-dense and dense-with-open-pockets CWH structure design. These results suggest that the preference of these species for occupying woody habitat over open areas is stronger than the preference among specific types of woody habitat. In this study, adult bass utilized structure located in up to three meters depth. Johnson (1993) found that bluegill selected both horizontal and vertically oriented structure over open water, with a slight preference for vertical over horizontally oriented artificial structures. Newbrey et al. (2005) found increasing complexity of branching to be positively associated with fish species richness, diversity, and abundance, but preference for branching complexity varied by species. Generally, most studies conclude that fish have a strong preference for some degree of branching over simple, unbranched logs, and striving for a variety of branching densities may be an optimal strategy to benefit a wide range of species (Sass et al. 2011). Similarly, CWH additions that cover a range of depths can be expected to be beneficial to a wider variety of species over a greater seasonal timeframe. It should be noted that individual pieces of structure appear to have a ‘carrying capacity’ of fish that they are capable of supporting (Johnson et al. 1988). Therefore, density of structure being placed into a waterbody should be considered carefully to balance habitat needs and human effort.

Limitations to these projects exist. Trees can become dislodged from shore as a result of ice sheering or wind and wave action. Dislodged trees can pose a serious danger to boaters and may also result in property damage if swept into docks or boat lifts. Additionally, lakes that experience water level draw-downs will pose major challenges to placing and maintaining trees. The species of trees selected for these projects is also an important consideration. Hardwood species such as cedar, oak, and ironwood will have increased residence time in comparison to softwood species such as basswood and pines. Spruce and hemlock trees should be avoided for use in fish habitat work as the bark of these species has been shown to be toxic to some taxa of aquatic animals (Buchanan et al. 1976).

Rogers and Bergersen (1999) evaluated four woody structure types and concluded that additions of structure could be expected to have the most benefit to fish communities and anglers in lakes with little existing structure and sparse aquatic vegetation. There is some debate as to whether the presence of woody debris stimulates aquatic plant growth in the immediate area by stabilizing sediments and seed beds (Bryant 1992; Sass 2009) and reducing wave scouring, or, hinders growth by shading out plants (Engel and Pederson 1998). Regardless, additions of wood should not be expected to have significant or far reaching influences on aquatic plant communities in northern Wisconsin lakes.

Potential benefits to angling and management

There has been considerable debate as to whether the placement of structure into lakes results in an actual increase in fish production or merely congregates populations. Some researchers argue that fish attraction occurs because these areas provide an advantage in prey acquisition or predator avoidance (Johnson et al. 1988). Other authors have argued that added structures, particularly in lakes with little existing structure, only congregates populations making them more accessible to anglers, merely giving the impression of increased abundance. In situations where fish populations show a strong affinity for added structure and these areas are targeted heavily by anglers it may be possible for overfishing to occur. This debate has largely been centered on the addition of offshore structure or “fish cribs” that are utilized by fish throughout winter months. Additions of nearshore wood in the form of tree drops are more natural and are largely considered to be positive. Nearshore woody structure is typically thought to promote ecosystem balance, particularly in highly developed lakes where this habitat has been previously removed. Project designers should be conscientious that large-scale wood addition projects will be more likely to provide positive and far-reaching benefits to aquatic ecosystems than small-localized projects.

Previous studies suggest that additions of littoral wood could have several positive affects on fish community interactions, particularly between largemouth bass and walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. However, it should be noted that population level effects may not be immediate (Sass et al. 2011). Three specific potential benefits to management programs and fish community structure resulting from additions of CWH are detailed below:

Reduced predation of juvenile walleye by adult largemouth bass through habitat partitioning:

There is evidence within the scientific literature suggesting that dense populations of bass prey heavily on walleye thereby limiting walleye recruitment. In Wisconsin, Nate et al. (2003) and Fayram et al. (2005) both found negative relationships between measures of walleye abundance and largemouth bass abundance (for a full review of this issues see “Interactions between Walleye and Black Bass in Lakes: A Literature Review” by Dave Neuswanger, WDNR). Pratt and Fox (2001) assessed habitat use of young of year walleye and found a strong preference for occupying mid-depth weedbeds in mid-summer (June and early July) and shallower weedbeds later in the summer (mid-July to late August). In this study largemouth bass were shown to occupy shallower weedbeds at the same time as walleye, suggesting that predation on walleye by bass may occur during this time. Increases in nearshore CWH will create an alternate and preferred habitat for largemouth bass where predation could be expected to shift to bluegill and other centrarchid species that also have a strong preference for CWH (Johnson 1988). These additions of CWH may be more effective at partitioning habitat use by largemouth bass and walleye in lakes where CWH is currently lacking.

Increased abundance of yellow perch, an important walleye forage item:

Yellow perch need woody or vegetative structure on which to drape their eggs when spawning. Studies have shown decreases in perch abundance when littoral wood is

removed (Sass et al. 2006b). Restoring woody habitat may have positive effects on yellow perch spawning success and abundance. Because yellow perch have been documented as an important diet item for walleye it would follow that increases in juvenile yellow perch abundance would lead to improved walleye growth rates and potentially recruitment. Yellow perch could also provide an alternative forage item for largemouth bass which may relieve predation pressure on walleye to some extent.

Improved largemouth bass growth rates:

Several studies have shown that in the presence of littoral woody habitat largemouth bass are able to devote less energy into searching for and capturing prey, thereby increasing growth rates (Sass et al 2006b). This may also be true for other ambush predators including pike and muskie which may use littoral woody habitat on a more limited basis.


Ahrenstorff, T. D., G. G. Sass, and M. R. Helmus. 2009. The influence of littoral zone coarse woody habitat on home range size, spatial distribution, and feeding ecology of largemouth bass (


Micropterus salmoides). Hyrdobiologia 623:223– 233.

Brandt, G. J. 1992. Direct observations of largemouth and smallmouth bass in response to various brush structure designs in Ruth Reservoir, California. FHS Currents… Region 5 Fish Habitat Relationship Technical Bulletin Number 10.

Buchanan, D. V., P. S. Tate, J. R. Moring. 1976. Acute toxicities of spruce and hemlock bark extracts to some estuarine organisms in southeastern Alaska. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 33:1188-1192.

Brown, P. J., and M. A. Bozek. 2010. Habitat selection and abundance of young-of- year smallmouth bass in north temperate lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1247–1260.

Christensen, D. L., B. J. Herwig, D. E. Schindler, and S. R. Carpenter. 1996. Impacts of lakeshore residential development on coarse woody debris in north temperate lakes. Ecological Applications 6:1143–49.

Engel, S., and J. L. Pederson Jr. 1998. The construction, aesthetics, and effects of lakeshore development: A Literature Review. WDNR Research Report 177.

Fayram, A.H., M.J. Hansen, and T.J. Ehlinger. 2005. Interactions between walleyes and four fish species with implications for walleye stocking. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1321-1330.

Guyette, R. P., and W. G. Cole. 1999. Age characteristics of coarse woody debris



Pinus strobus) in a lake littoral zone. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56: 496–505.

Hanchin, P. A., D. W. Willis, T. R. St. Stauver. 2003. Influence of introduced spawning habitat on yellow perch reproduction, Lake Madison South Dakota. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 18.

Hunt, J., and C. A. Annett. 2002. Effects of habitat manipulation on reproductive success of individual largemouth bass in an Ozark reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1201–1208.

Jennings, M. J., E. E. Emmons, G. R. Hatzenbeler, C. Edwards, and M. A. Bozek. 2003. Is littoral habitat affected by residential development and land use in watersheds of Wisconsin lakes? Lake and Reservoir Management 19:272-279.

Johnson, S. L. 1993. Cover choice by bluegills: Orientation of underwater structure and light intensity. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122:148-154.

Johnson, D. L., and W. E. Lynch Jr. 1992. Panfish use of and angler success at evergreen tree, brush, and stake-bed structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12:222-229.

Johnson, D. L., R. A. Beaumier, and W. E. Lynch Jr. 1988a. Selection of habitat structure interstice size by bluegills and largemouth bass in ponds. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 117:l-l 79.

Lawson, Z. J., J. W. Gaeta, and S. R. Carpenter. 2011. Coarse woody habitat, lakeshore residential development, and largemouth bass nesting behavior. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:666-670.

Marburg, A. E., M. G. Turner, T. K. Kratz. 2006. Natural and anthropogenic variation in coarse wood among and within lakes. Journal of Ecology 94:558-568.

Nate, N.A., M.A. Bozek, M.J. Hansen, C.W. Ramm, M.T. Bremigan, and S.W. Hewett. 2003. Predicting the occurrence and success of walleye populations from physical and biological features of northern Wisconsin lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1207-1214.

Newbrey, M. G., M. A. Bozek, M. J. Jennings, and J. A. Cook. 2005. Branching complexity and morphological characteristics of coarse woody structure as lacustrine fish habitat. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 62: 2110–2123.

Pratt, T.C. and M.G. Fox. 2001. Biotic influences on habitat selection by young-of-year walleye (


Stizostedion vitreum) in the demersal stage. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:1058-1069.

Rogers K. B., and E. P. Bergersen. 1999. Utility of synthetic structures for concentrating

adult northern pike and largemouth bass North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:1054–1065.

Sass, G. G., C. M. Gille, J. T. Hinke, and J. F. Kitchell. 2006a. Whole-lake influences of littoral structural complexity and prey body morphology on fish predator–prey interactions. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2006: 15: 301–308.

Sass, G. G., J. F. Kitchell, S. R. Carpenter, T. R. Hrabik, A. E. Marburg, and M. G. Turner. 2006b. Fish community and food web responses to a whole-lake removal of coarse woody habitat. Fisheries 31:321-330.

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