The Walleyes For Tomorrow – Pewaukee Chapter is finalizing the 1st Fish Sticks project in SE Wisconsin.
The group gathered just north of Walks Island at 7:00 a.m. to get tip-ups in and ready to start cutting tree’s. The first tree was cut on Walks Island at 9:00 am as anticipated. The initial tree was dragged into place in minutes. The next 4 trees were taken from the County launch where the trees were leaning over the parking lot and were in dire need of removal.
As you know they would probably fall during the 4th of July or a big fishing tournament. The next trees were dragged into position by mid morning. Kids were loading rocks into burlap sacks and taking turns pulling them out with the 4 wheelers and jet sleds. The rock filled burlap sacks were put into place draped over the tree limbs and stumps like a saddle over a horse. Hemp ropes and burlap sacks were used so they can degrade over the next few years, when the trees are waterlogged and will stay sunk toward the bottom of the lake. The crews also drilled holes through med sized stones and created a necklace of stones with stainless steel cables and clamps.
The whole structure extends about 125 feet from shore and will provide fantastic habitat for the next 10-20 years. The project was completed and one day. News reporters, WDNR fisheries biologist and the conservation warden was present. The Pewaukee Lake patrol was also involved and will mark the area with a hazard boui just as a precautionary measure. Pewaukee Lake uses slow no wake bouis within 150 feet from shore.
The temperature was below zero in the morning, rose to about 10 degrees and there was snow and wind blowing but the crew persevered until the project was done.
Tom Koepp
WFT Pewaukee Chapter chair